
struct user_agent

Opaque User-Agent handle.


ua_init(), ua_cleanup(), ua_set_url(), ua_get_url(), ua_set_opt()

struct ua_attr

User-Agent handle initialization attributes.

Public Members

struct logconf *conf

pre-initialized logging module

struct ua_conn

Opaque connection handle.


ua_conn_start(), ua_conn_setup(), ua_conn_reset(), ua_conn_stop(), ua_conn_easy_perform(), ua_conn_add_header(), ua_conn_print_header(), ua_conn_set_mime(), ua_conn_get_easy_handle()

struct ua_conn_attr

Connection attributes.

Public Members

enum http_method method

the HTTP method of this transfer (GET, POST, …)

struct sized_buffer *body

the optional request body, can be NULL

char *endpoint

the endpoint to be appended to the base URL

char *base_url

optional base_url to override ua_set_url(), can be NULL

struct ua_info

Informational handle received on request’s completion.

Public Members

struct loginfo loginfo

logging informational

ORCAcode code

response code for latest request

long httpcode

the HTTP response code