Batch Edit Application Command Permissions

ORCAcode discord_batch_edit_application_command_permissions(struct discord *client, u64_snowflake_t application_id, u64_snowflake_t guild_id, struct discord_guild_application_command_permissions **params, struct discord_guild_application_command_permissions ***ret)

Batch edits permissions for all commands in a guild.


You can only add up to 10 permission overwrites for a command


This will overwrite all types of application commands: slash commands, user commands, and message commands

  • client – the client created with discord_init()

  • application_id – the unique id of the parent application

  • guild_id – the guild where the commands are located

  • params – the request parameters, a list of guild application commands permissions

  • ret – if successful, a null-terminated list of discord_guild_application_command_permissions, that should be free’d with discord_guild_application_command_permissions_list_free()


ORCAcode for how the operation went, ORCA_OK means nothing out of the ordinary