
void discord_overwrite_append(struct discord_overwrite ***permission_overwrites, u64_snowflake_t id, int type, enum discord_bitwise_permission_flags allow, enum discord_bitwise_permission_flags deny)

Append to an overwrite list.


the list should be freed with discord_overwrite_list_free() after its no longer being used

  • permission_overwrites – list to be appended to

  • id – role or user id

  • type – either 0 (role) or 1 (member)

  • allow – permission bit set

  • deny – permission bit set

ORCAcode discord_get_channel_at_pos(struct discord *client, u64_snowflake_t guild_id, enum discord_channel_types type, size_t position, struct discord_channel *ret)

Get a guild’s channel from its given numerical position.

  • client – the client created with discord_init()

  • guild_id – guild the channel belongs to

  • type – the channel type where to take position reference from

  • ret – if successful, a discord_channel that should be free’d with discord_channel_cleanup()


ORCAcode for how the operation went, ORCA_OK means nothing out of the ordinary

ORCAcode discord_delete_messages_by_author_id(struct discord *client, u64_snowflake_t channel_id, u64_snowflake_t author_id)

Delete messages from a channel by a given author.

  • client – the client created with discord_init()

  • channel_id – channel where the messages resides

  • author_id – the user who sent those messages


ORCAcode for how the operation went, ORCA_OK means nothing out of the ordinary