Embed Builder

void discord_embed_set_title(struct discord_embed *embed, char format[], ...)

Add title to embed.


the embed must be freed with discord_embed_cleanup() after its no longer being used

  • embed – the embed being modified

  • format – printf-like formatting string

  • ... – variadic arguments to be matched to format

void discord_embed_set_description(struct discord_embed *embed, char format[], ...)

Add description to embed.


the embed must be freed with discord_embed_cleanup() after its no longer being used

  • embed – the embed being modified

  • format – printf-like formatting string

  • ... – variadic arguments to be matched to format

void discord_embed_set_url(struct discord_embed *embed, char format[], ...)

Add URL to embed.


the embed must be freed with discord_embed_cleanup() after its no longer being used

  • embed – the embed being modified

  • format – printf-like formatting string

  • ... – variadic arguments to be matched to format

void discord_embed_set_thumbnail(struct discord_embed *embed, char url[], char proxy_url[], int height, int width)

Add thumbnail to embed.


the embed must be freed with discord_embed_cleanup() after its no longer being used

  • embed – the embed being modified

  • url – source url of thumbnail

  • proxy_url – a proxied url of the thumbnail

  • height – height of thumbnail

  • width – width of thumbnail

void discord_embed_set_image(struct discord_embed *embed, char url[], char proxy_url[], int height, int width)

Add image to embed.


the embed must be freed with discord_embed_cleanup() after its no longer being used

  • embed – the embed being modified

  • url – source url of image

  • proxy_url – a proxied url of the image

  • height – height of image

  • width – width of image

void discord_embed_set_video(struct discord_embed *embed, char url[], char proxy_url[], int height, int width)

Add video to embed.


the embed must be freed with discord_embed_cleanup() after its no longer being used

  • embed – the embed being modified

  • url – source url of video

  • proxy_url – a proxied url of the video

  • height – height of video

  • width – width of video

Add footer to embed.


the embed must be freed with discord_embed_cleanup() after its no longer being used

  • embed – the embed being modified

  • text – footer text

  • icon_url – url of footer icon

  • proxy_icon_url – a proxied url of footer icon

void discord_embed_set_provider(struct discord_embed *embed, char name[], char url[])

Add provider to embed.


the embed must be freed with discord_embed_cleanup() after its no longer being used

  • embed – the embed being modified

  • name – name of provider

  • url – url of provider

void discord_embed_set_author(struct discord_embed *embed, char name[], char url[], char icon_url[], char proxy_icon_url[])

Add author to embed.


the embed must be freed with discord_embed_cleanup() after its no longer being used

  • embed – the embed being modified

  • name – name of author

  • url – url of author

  • icon_url – url of author icon

  • proxy_icon_url – a proxied url of author icon

void discord_embed_add_field(struct discord_embed *embed, char name[], char value[], bool Inline)

Add field to embed.


the embed must be freed with discord_embed_cleanup() after its no longer being used

  • embed – the embed being modified

  • name – name of the field

  • value – value of the field

  • Inline – whether or not this field should display inline