The following section outlines the Discord API Client handle and utilities
Table of Contents
- Datatypes
- discord_add_intents - add events to listen to
- discord_async_next - execute immediate request function asynchronously
- discord_cleanup - cleanup a Discord client
- discord_clone - clone a Discord client handle
- discord_config_init - create a Discord client handle from a config file
- discord_get_data - get a pointer to user arbitrary data
- discord_get_logconf - Get client’s logging internals
- discord_get_ping - get latency between client and Discord
- discord_get_self - get the client’s cached user
- discord_init - create a Discord client handle
- discord_reconnect - reconnect a on-going connection
- discord_remove_intents - remove events to listen to
- discord_run - start client connection to Discord
- discord_set_data - save a pointer to user arbitrary data
- discord_set_prefix - set a default prefix for commands
- discord_set_presence - set client status
- discord_shutdown - shutdown a on-going connection
- discord_strerror() - return string describing
value - discord_timestamp - get current timestamp (client’s concept of